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نشكر لكم زيارتكم، و نشكر لكم عودتكم، و الشكر الجزيل لكل من ساهم بنشر هذه المدونة المتواضعة من خلال النصيحة لصديق بزيارتها.
أكتب هذه الرسالة لك اليوم لأسألك سؤالاً واحدا فقط... ماذا تنتظر لتحقق أحلامك؟
إتصل / إتصلي بنا اليوم لتاخذ الخطوة الأولى و ثق تماما أنك لن تندم على هذه الخطوة لأننا سنقودك بالطريق الصحيح... تعال لتصبح شريك في تجارتنا العالمية.
نتمنى ان يصلنا استفسارك و طلبك على بريدنا الإليكروني و فريقنا سيكون سعيد بتقديم الخدمة لك
Who Moved My cheese?
Some of them react quickly without any plan, Some of them only blame the others, and Some learn from the past and start acting accordingly. and why should you face the problems to learn? why don't you be proactive rather the reactive... see this nice story about CHANGES , and ask your self what should you do?! If you do not change, you become Extinct!! What would you do if you weren't Afraid? Movement in a new direction Helps you find new cheese ....
فمنهم من يتحرك بسرعة و بدون أي خطة, و منهم من يلوم الآخرين و يحملهم مسؤولية مشاكله(كثيرا ما نسمع كلمة هم ضدي، لا يريدون ان أترقى أو أنجح، مديري يكرهني، أبي يقف في طريقي) و لكن هذا خطأ، و من الناس من يتعلم من أخطاء الماضي و يتصرف و يخطط لمستقبله.
و أنت ماذا تنتظر شاهد هذا الفيلم القصير الذي يعتبر أروع قصة عن التغيير. إسأل نفسك ماذا تستطيع أن تفعل لو تخلصت من مخاوفك؟؟!! تحرك الآن باتجاه جديد و هذا سيساعدك بالوصول إلى أهدافك إن شاء الله تعالى.
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لمشاهدة الحلم إضغط على الصورة
If you don't have a Dream it is never too late to have one or more
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore! Dream! Discover!
Mark Twain
إفرد شراعك, أبحر بعيدا عن الميناء الآمن
إحلم و ابدأ بتحقيق أحلامك
و تذكر اننا كفريق موجودون لمساعدتك لأخذ الخطوة الأولى
Your Dream Our Plan....!!!
Your Dram Our Plan
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للغة العربية إضغط هنا
what are your Dreams?
2- Big house?
3- New nice Car?
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5- Good Education for your Kids?
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1- Job: your job will give you limit income - right!
2- Franchise : how you will get it and how much you should pay for that!
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Top 10 Reasons to drink Aloe Vera gel
Why Forever Bright Toothgel?
معجون أسنان من هلام الألوفيرا الطبيعي و دنج النحل المضاد للبكتريا - خال من الفلورايد الضار بالصحة و خاصة صحة الأطفال.
أسنان بيضاء لامعة بدون مبيضات كيميائية, رائحة نفس زكية بالنعناع الطبيعي و لثة صحية كل اليوم
the result is formula that keeps breath fresh and whitens without bleaching, you will love the peppermint and spearmint flavor and clean mouth feel.
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معلومات و حقائق عن فوريفر ليفينغ برودكتس
· أكبر شركة في العالم لإنتاج المكملات الغذائية والمستحضرات التجميلية الطبيعية.
· تبلغ مبيعات الشركة أكثر من 2 بليون دولار سنوياً من منتجاتها المتميزة.
· عدد الموزعين العاملين في الشركة أكثر من 9 ملايين موزع لمنتجات الشركة حول العالم.
· 30 عاماً من التألق والريادة في أكثر من 124 دولة حول العالم.
· حصة الشركة في السوق الدولي , تغطي 85% من الطلب العالمي في هذا المنتج.
· تنتج الشركة أكثر من 200 منتج صحي وتجميلي تستعمل لعلاج أكثر من 150 حالة مرضية.
· حائزة على شهادة الجودة والنقاوة النوعية من (مجلس علوم الألوة "الصبار" الدولي) الذي أنشئ خصيصاً عام 1981م كجمعية إشرافية وضمان جودة وصناعة الألوفيرا من الغش والتلاعب التجاري.
· حائزة على شهادة ( الجمعية الإسلامية بكاليفورنيا ) لمطابقة الشروط الشرعية لمراحل التصنيع والتعليب والإنتاج.
· حائزة على براءة الاختراع لعملية ( الاستقرار الكيميائي ) في مصانعها الذي يمنع عملية تأكسد النباتات بعد قطعها ويمنع الخصائص الغذائية والطبية المفيدة لهلام نبتة الألوفيرا الثمين.
· تمتلك أكبر المزارع في العالم لنباتات الألوفيرا (الصبار) وتقوم بإنتاج مستحضراتها تحت أفضل الظروف والعناية الزراعية والمخبرية.
Begin your day with Forever Pomesteen Power
why you need the Forever Pomesteen ?
Our daily work schedules, exercise routines, families and errand running can take
its toll on our bodies. Sometimes it is difficult for us to get time to prepare the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables we should be getting on a daily basis, so short cuts are taken in our dietary needs.
Over a period of time this has an effect on our immune systems and causes damage to our cells, because we are not taking in enough anti-oxidants from fruit and vegetables. "To date,
some sixty diseases have been associated with free radical damage and each human cell receives at least 10,000 damaging hits from free radicals every day", Dr Bruce, Cancer Research. "So by taking anti-oxidants, we increase our immunity as they act as a scavenging system to free radicals", Professor Chandra, World Health Organisation, Nutritional Immunology.
How does Forever Pomesteen help?
Forever Pomesteen Power is the anti-oxidant solution to poor eating habits and improper nutrition. This powerful anti-oxidant supplement fights free radicals with two of the most potent fruits found in nature: Pomegranates and Mangosteens. These two fruits are nutritional powerhouses, packed with high concentrations of xanthenes and other antioxidants. Xanthones are powerful play to nutrients that disarm free radicals to help keep the immune system strong and healthy.
Also packed into this incredible fruit juice are Pear, Raspberry, Blueberry and Blackberry. Grape seed extracts round out this proprietary mix for a complete anti-oxidant formula.
Just one to two ounces daily provide your cells with everything they need to fight free radicals and the damage that they can cause. Take it on its own, or combine it with the Gel. For children, you can use it like a squash by adding water. It is such an exotic fruit flavour, adults and children will love it (if you want to be a little naughty, you can combine it with a glass of champagne - it makes an excellent cassis!).
Begin your day with powerful blast of antioxidants
Experience the incredible power of a fruit combination that provides your body with vital antioxidants, Xanthones, and a great flavor! Forever Pomesteen Power combines the nutrients of antioxidant-rich Pomegranate and Mangosteen, along with Pear, Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape Seed. Pomegranate juice has more polyphenol antioxidants than red wine, green tea, cranberry juice and orange juice, and Mangosteens are rich in beneficial Xanthones, a family of naturally occurring antioxidants found in fruit. So, begin your day with the powerful blast of antioxidants from Forever Pomesteen Power.
دولاب الألوان من مجموعة ألوان صونيا
تساعد هذة المجموعة الكاملة من الظلال التى تخفى العيوب على التخفيف من حدة المشاكل التى تزعجك كالتفاوت فى لون البشرة وغيرها من المشاكل
الأخضر يستعمل لإزالة الاحمرار والمتورد ويستعمل فى حالة كانت البشرة مائلة الى الأخضر أو الأصفر كأساس أو كظل للعينين فيؤدى الى إشراق العينين
الأصفر يستعمل لإخفاء الهالات الغامقة التى تحت العينين لا سيما تلك الضاربة الى الزرقة أيضا فى تفتيح لون البشرة أو زيادة إشراق العظم الوجنى
الأرجوانى الفاتح يمحو الألوان الخافتة الشاحبة ويمكن استعماله للتخفيف من سواد الهالات تحت العينين فى البشرة المائلة الى اللون الأصفر
البيج الفاتح (من لون زهرى خافت) مثالى للبشرة الفاتحة اللون يخفى النمش والبقع الناجمة عن التقدم فى السن وعن الأختضاب
البيج الداكن خاص بالبشرة الداكنة يخفى اللطخات والآثار الاخرى التى تشوه الوجه يمزج مع البيج الفاتح للبشرة التى تكون لمنها بين الفاتح والداكن
Aloe Vera Drinks
Our pure Aloe Vera drinks are probably the best daily tonic known to man. Our products are meticulously tested to assure you of consistence effective benefits.
Nutritional Supplements
Our top quality supplements offer everything your body and your business need for physical fitness.
Personal Grooming
No bathroom is complete without shampoo, conditioner, soap, tooth gel, and aftershave, each with the soothing emollient of aloe vera.
Weight Management
Our weight management system with meal replacement and supplements deliver consistent results.
Beehive Products
One of the oldest known health products including bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly and high desert honey.
Skin Care& Protection
Our skin preparations are extremely effective against the elements and some skin disorders.
Beauty Care & Cosmetics
Our top quality beauty and cosmetics products employ the power of aloe vera, from the ‘Fleur de Jouvence’ skin care regime to our Sonya cosmetics, with marine extracts.
Animal Care Products
Many of the products can be used on animals, from domestic pets, to farm animals, from goldfish to reptiles.
If you are interested with any one of the products or to create a business of your own, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you are serious about changing your life there is no better place than FLP

Wherever you dream of going in life, FLP is a great vehicle for getting you there. Starting in your own home, you can build a business that provides you the time and money to do the things you've always wanted to do. What do you dream of? A new car? A nicer home? Extended vacations? Financial security? Paying off debt?
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As the Gear needs Oil and the Joints also need Freedom from FLP
From Forever Living Products
منتج مفيد لمحاربة التقدم بالسن . بلى المفاصل و تمزقها
Forever Freedom has combined Aloe Vera with
other substances that are helpful for the maintenance
of proper joint function and mobility in a
tasty, orange-flavored juice formula.
Natural sexual energy use Maca مقوي طبيعي
Natural sexual energy use Maca
it is:Forever Multi-Maca®
from Forever Living Products
Maca, also known as Lepidium Meyenii, is an
annual plant that is cultivated in the Peruvian
central highlands. The edible root, which resembles
a radish, is a staple food for the local population.
Maca has been highly revered for over 2,000 years
in Peru. According to legend, the Incan warriors ate
Maca for strength and endurance before going to
battle. The Spanish Conquistadors called it the “sex
herb of the Incas”. Today it is known as Peruvian
Ginseng. Modern studies suggest that Maca helps
promote libido, sexual potency and energy.
Women in South America have also used Maca for
thousands of years to help maintain their stamina,
prevent fatigue and reduce the effects of stress on
their body. Peruvian women begin using Maca at
age 3, and remain strong, fertile and productive,
and have immense stamina well into their later life.
Maca may increase a woman’s libido, and should be
taken daily for best results.
Maca’s reported beneficial effects for sexual function
could be due to its amino acids, which are required
for many functions in the body, including sexual
and fertility functions. They also are required in the
manufacturing of substances that transmit signals
in the nervous system and play a major role in the
process of sexual arousal and physical performance
during sex.
Forever Multi-Maca combines legendary Peruvian
Maca with other powerful herbs and select
ingredients, to create one of the finest supplements
of its kind.
The Dream - الحلم شاهد و حقق حلمك
The Dream
من جميع الجنسيات بشرط العمر +21
for English click here
Lean - Forever برنامج تنحيف
Do you want to lose those few extra pounds?
Would you like your pants to fit a little bit better?
Are you ready to take charge of your health and feel better?
If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then Forever Living Products has created a weight loss program that could work for you.
Clean 9 is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, as well as start to burn your excess fat.
FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ is the second step in the program.
It is a 30-day program that teaches how to eat properly, exercise, increase your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle.
كيف تلتحق بفريق تسويق شركة فوريفر ليفينغ برودكتس؟
أ - ألا يقل العمر عن 21 عاما
ب - الالتحاق عن طريق معرّف (وهو الشخص الذي عرفك بالشركة)
جـ - تعبئة استمارة الاشتراك
ملاحظة: لا توجد مصاريف للالتحاق
كيف توزع الشركة منتجاتها؟
أ. متطلبات نظام التسويق الشبكي:
1. وجود منتج متفرد (وحيد) على درجة عالية من الجودة بحيث أنه لا يحتاج إلى حملات ترويجية أو إعلان، ويعتمد على الدعاية الشفهية الإيجابية للعملاء المستخدمين للمنتج.
2. أن يكون المنتج استهلاكي، وله قاعدة كبيرة من المستهلكين.
ب. فوائد نظام التسويق الشبكي «للشركة»:
1. تحقيق عائد ضخم للشركة باتباع اسلوب توصيل المنتجات للمستهلكين مباشرة وبهذا توفر الشركة العمولات التي تدفع عادة للوكلاء الإقليميين والوكلاء المحليين وتجار الجملة وتجار التجزئة ومنافذ البيع المباشر بالإضافة إلى مصروفات الدعاية والإعلان، وهذه العمولات والتكاليف تعادل أكثر من 70% من القيمة النهائية للمنتج والتي يتحملها المستهلك النهائي ويقل معها عائد الشركة المنتجة والتي تتحمل أعباء الإنتاج والمحافظة على جودة المنتجات، والعائد المحقق من هذا الأسلوب التسويقي يرفع أرباح الشركة ويساعدها على تطوير المنتجات والمحافظة على جودتها.
2. القضاء على الغش التجاري إذ أنه لو أتبع الأسلوب التقليدي فإن توفر المنتجات في الأسواق يتيح الفرصة للمقلدين لطرح منتجات رديئة ومزورة تحمل العلامة التجارية للشركة مما يضر بسمعة المنتجات الأصلية.
ب. فوائد نظام التسويق الشبكي «للشركة/الموزع»:
1. يتيح التحاق الأفراد كموزعين مستقلين بهذا النظام التسويقي الحصول على عائد مادي كبير يتناسب مع حجم الجهد المبذول ومدى القدرة على بناء شبكة التوزيع.
2. يحقق للموزع الحرية والاستقلال في العمل والدخل.
3. يستطيع الموزع تحقيق أحلامه والوصول إلى أهدافه خلال فترة زمنية قصيرة
Articles from Aloe Health UK - What Is In Aloe Vera Gel?
What Is In Aloe Vera Gel?
The constituents of Aloe Vera Gel can be divided into the following groups. The term 'Gel' is used in the manner set out by the International Aloe Science Council to mean a product containing a minimum of 85% Aloe Vera Gel.
Aloe contains a wide range, but the most important ones are the antioxidant vitamins C and E and beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. It is also one of the few plant sources in the world of vitamin B12-albeit in a very small amount.
These include magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, calcium, sodium and potassium, essential elements in the chemistry and processes of a healthy body.
Amino Acids
The human body requires 22 amino acids, the building blocks of proteins and Aloe Vera Gel provides twenty of them. More importantly, it provides seven of the eight essential amino acids that cannot be manufactured by the body and which have to be consumed as food.
These include the important polysaccharides which act on the immune system.
Digestive Enzymes
Lipases and proteases break down food and aid digestion.
Anti-inflammatory Enzymes
These reduce inflammation
Plant Sterols
The three main types act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
Lignin This alcohol gives topical Aloe Vera its penetrative ability, to reach deep into the skin.
These are soapy substances that exert a powerful anti-microbial effect against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts such as Candida or 'thrush'.
The most important ones being aloin and emodin, but although present in only minute amounts they are strong painkillers, and are acknowledged to possess anti-bacterial and viruscidal activity.
Why does it work?
It works by providing a rich cocktail of micro-nutritional elements whose combined action and balance produce a more powerful effect together than would be expected from the addition of the individual components. This is because they work as a team, enhancing each others effect - known as synergism. It also has adaptogenic properties which means that different individuals take from it what they need, therefore the benefits vary from person to person.
Where does it work?
Aloe Vera, because of its nutritional and immune modulating properties, helps firstly to prevent injury to epithelial tissues, and when they are damaged, it promotes healing. Antioxidants fight the destructive 'free radicals', the unstable compounds produced by our metabolism and found in environmental pollutants. They are thought to cause various ailments, including some cancers, as well as contributing towards the aging process. A long chain sugar in aloe vera acts on the immune system to help regulate its activity.
An epithelium is an anatomical term defined as follows: 'a layer of cells that covers the body or lines a cavity that connects with it'. Our largest epithelium is our skin but also included are the lining of the gut, the bronchial tubes and the genital tract. No wonder Aloe works just as well on damaged skin as it does, say, on an inflamed bowel or in asthma.
How does it work?
Its natural anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial action, combined within its nutritional constituents, promote cell growth, and therefore healing. However, it is not only helpful for people with problems; most people taking it report a greater sense of well being - they just feel 'better' or they report feeling calmer and less anxious. This could be due to aloe's effect on their immune system which, you may say, becomes balanced or fine-tuned, and therefore, more efficient at defending the body from attack.
For further information please see 'The Essential Aloe Vera' by Dr Peter Atherton.
Stabilised Aloe Vera Gel (when taken as a drink or applied externally to the skin and hair) has the following benefits:
It is a natural cleanser due to the presence of saponins.
It penetrates tissue due to its lignin content.
It anaesthetises the tissue in the area to which it is applied, relieving pain deep beneath the surface, including pain associated with joints and sore muscles.
It is bactericidal when held in high concentration for several hours in direct contact with bacteria, whereas antibiotics kill bacteria when highly diluted.
It is viruscidal and fungicidal when in direct contact in high concentration for a long period of time.
It is anti-inflammatory. It acts like a steroid, but with no side effects.
It is anti-pruritic - reducing itching and burning. It is a natural moisturiser, taking moisture to all layers of the skin.
It stimulates cell replication.
The proteolytic enzymes break down dead tissue - cleansing a wound (topical products).
It helps to increase blood flow in the skin by capillary dilation.
It is health giving to the skin and body by providing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, sugars, enzymes and amino acids, essential and secondary.
Each of the above benefits can be achieved with one or more drugs. Usually these are expensive and have numerous side effects. Aloe Vera can produce benefits in high concentration with virtually no side effects.
Aloe Vera is not a panacea for all ills and there is no magic about it. lt works only in the two areas mentioned previously - epithelial tissue and the immune system. This is largely backed up by anecdotal evidence, as many thousands of people over the centuries have reported benefit for various skin complaints such as eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, burns, acne even stings and bites.
They have found relief for bowel disorders such as diverticulosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Other conditions resulting from a disordered immune system such as arthritis, asthma and ME (post viral fatigue syndrome) and LE (lupus) have improved after a regular ingestion of Aloe Vera Gel.
;Aloe Vera therefore has a complementary role to play in the management of various conditions. It is very important, however, that people should always seek the advice of their doctor, when diagnosis is in doubt, or where a condition does not improve. Self diagnosis can be extremely dangerous as many serious conditions can mimic more simple ones.
What is in Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel?
Forever Living Products' Aloe Vera Gel has been declared by the Food and Drug Research Laboratories, Inc. of New York to be ESSENTIALLY IDENTICAL to that found in a fresh leaf. In order to preserve the nutritional potency of raw Aloe Vera Gel, it must be stabilised, and this process inevitably involved the addition of small quantities of other ingredients.
Ascorbic Acid - (otherwise known as vitamin C) is essential for the formation of intercellular collagen as well as the maintenance of tooth structures, matrix of bones and capillary walls. It is also necessary for wound healing, facilitates the absorption of iron and is widely used to help prevent colds. Vitamin C is found in all living plant and animal cells. Sorbitol is the raw material for the production of Ascorbic Acid.
Citric Acid - Produced from sugar solutions and citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges. It is widely used in the food industry and can be used as a pH adjuster and antioxidant. It can also retard metallic reactions. It is involved in the Krebs energy cycle which occurs in all cells of the body. It has been used to dissolve urinary bladder calculi and it acts as a mild astringent.
Potassium Sorbate - The potassium salt of Sorbic Acid (found naturally in fresh berries of Mountain Ash) is a natural buffering and flavouring agent which helps protect the freshness of the Aloe.
Sodium Benzoate - Naturally occurring flavouring, derived from fruits such as blackberries and other mountain berries. It helps stabilise and prevent bacterial growth during product usage. In the gel, it is used in quantities of less than 0.1% to prevent spoilage after the bottle has been opened.
Sorbitol - This is an excellent conditioning agent which aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is naturally occurring in several fruits and has slight sweetening properties, which can help improve taste. Sorbitol is often used as a sweetener in diabetic products. There are two forms of sorbitol used: sorbitol crystals which are in solid form and contain no water and aqueous sorbitol which is in liquid form and is derived from specially processed maize. It is acceptable to people with coeliac disease (gluten sensitive).
Tocophero - (Vitamin E) An essential vitamin for man, it is well known for its health related properties. It is a natural antioxidant, derived from wheat germ oil, rice kernel and other vegetable oils.
Xanthan Gum - Derived from plants such as kelp, it is a natural stabilising and emulsifying agent.
(Published 20 June 2006)
Aloe Vera - الصبر
هو عصارة شجرة الصبار بعد أن تجمد وأجوده ما كان أحمر مائل إلى الصفرة ( أشقر).
حديثا يستخدم عصير الصبر المحضر بطريقة خاصة تحافظ على مكوناته ليعطى الفوائد المرجوة منه بكفاءة عالية.
ما هي مكوناته؟
جليكوسيدات الأنثراكينون و أحماض أمينية وفيتامينات ومعادن.
ما هي فوائده؟
أثبتت الدراسات الحديثة ما أقره الفراعنة و الاغريق والعرب من فوائد الصبر بالإضافة للاكتشافات الجديدة .فهو ملين و نافع في زيادة الحموضة وقرحة المعدة و أمراض الكبد و سوء الهضم ، مفيد في قروح الفم ، مفيد في الالتهابات الروماتيزمية و المفاصل ، يخلص الجسم من المواد الضارة و السامة ويعيد التوازن الحيوي للجسم لانه يخلص الجسم من الاخلاط الثلاثة المعروفة في الطب القديم وهي الخلط السوداوي و الخلط الصفراوي والخلط البلغمي وهو مرطب للبشرة ومفيد في تساقط الشعر و تحسين نموه وفي علاج حساسية الجلد و الاكزيما و الصدفية وعلاج حب الشباب وفي علاج الحروق و حروق الشمس والتئام الجروح و زيادة التصبغ كما ثبت حديثا أن له فائدة في علاج مرض السرطان و الفيروسات .